
“Prayer is to faith, what breath is to the body.” J.C.Ryle

Prayer is one of our three focuses as a church. Prayer is one of the few things Jesus’ disciples asked him to teach them. Whether in our small groups or our corporate worship, we want to be a people who are growing in intimate, fervent, effective prayer.

Prayer Ministry Team

Prayer Coordinator
Jo has a deep passion for gathering people in fervent, focused prayer. As the coordinator of prayer at CBtB, whether it’s a 24-hour prayer event or a special season of seeking God together, she raises our attention on unifying prayer. If you’re interested in getting involved in any aspect of prayer at CBtB, feel free to reach out to Jo at

Prayer Ministry
Janet leads our prayer ministry at CBtB, which offers intentional, focused prayer to foster a genuine encounter with God and His truth. The ministry seeks to assist individuals in experiencing a transformation of the mind, will, and emotions. While it is not a substitute for counselling or other therapeutic approaches, it can be valuable in seeking Christ’s holistic transformation in our lives. For more information, feel free to reach out to Janet at

9.30 Worship Service Prayer Team
Jenny leads our lay prayer team at CBtB. Each week we offer prayer for those seeking it or who have experienced the Holy Spirit during our worship. While this isn’t a substitute for counselling or prayer ministry, it provides a beautiful opportunity to receive prayer from someone who is compassionate and sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s work. If you’re interested in joining the prayer team or learning more, please reach out to Jenny at

Prayer Chain
Jan leads our prayer chain, a dedicated group of individuals who feel called to the ministry of intercessory prayer. While personal prayer needs are often met within small groups, there are occasions when a request may benefit from the prayers of the broader church community. To submit a prayer request for the prayer chain, or to learn more about joining this ministry, please reach out to Jan at

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